caren van herwaarden

order a watercolor

SPECIAL OFFER: Choose an original watercolor for 350€, including VAT, passe-partout, packaging and shipping costs. The passe-partout has an outer size of 40 x 30 cm or 45 x 35 cm. Outside the Netherlands 25 euros extra.

I selected a series of watercolors for a modest price, which you can choose from this page. I regularly supplement this series and remove the sold copies, so check now and then if you see a watercolor that you want to purchase:

Transfer 350 euros to account NL62INGB0001372036 (BIC code INGBNL2A) in the name of C.J.M. van Herwaarden o.v.v. Watercolor, the relevant number of the work you chose, your e-mail address and address details, then I will send you the work as soon as possible. Please also email me just to be sure. Maybe you will find something nice and pass this offer on to friends?